Sports Specialty Camp Schedule
- Move into cabins and ice breakers
- Lunch
- Go over schedule for week
- Basketball (skills intensives, small group play, full camp play)
- Swim time (lake or pool assigned each day)
- Dinner
- Joint evening program – Counselor Hunt
- Lilah Tov
- Morning conditioning – Krav maga
- Breakfast
- Soccer
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Lunch
- Rest Hour
- Soccer
- Chofesh (Free time, Canteen is open today)
- Swim Time
- Dinner
- Joint evening program – Campfire
- Lilah Tov
- Morning conditioning – Yoga
- Breakfast
- Softball
- Tennis
- Lunch
- Rest Hour
- Softball
- Chofesh
- Swim Time
- Dinner
- Joint evening program – Dive In Movie
- Lilah Tov
- Morning conditioning – Karate/body weight training
- Flag Football
- Sand Volleyball
- Lunch
- Rest Hour
- Flag Football
- Chofesh (Canteen is open)
- Swim Time
- Dinner
- Joint evening program – Talent Show
- Lilah Tov
- Breakfast
- FIELD TRIP – Reds game, Reds HOF/Tour, Bowling, TopGolf, UC Athletics Tour, FC Cincinnati, etc.
- Return to Camp & Shabbat Prep
- Joint Camp Shabbat
- Lilah Tov
- Drop in breakfast
- Shabbat Services
- Group Choice Competition
- Lunch
- Rest Hour
- Group Choice Competition
- Ga-ga tournament
- Swim time
- Banquet Dinner
- Havdalah
- Awards Ceremony
- Breakfast
- Packing
- Buses Depart–arrival to JCC at 12pm